So many people distancing themselves from Q right now. Why? Because they care more about the opinion of man than they do about the Truth.
Before long, though, they will all come crawling back and pretend they never left. I despise a brown nose. I'd rather have a sworn enemy than a two-faced friend.
I'm still here, Q. Still with ya, Mr. President
That’s the beauty of it. They’re so blinded by their evil ways they can’t fathom researching from a non evil point of view. It’s like asking us to read Protocols of the Elders of Zion which if you look up we are told it’s all a hoax. This allows us to communicate in vague terms out in the open on the internet and it goes right over their head.
We kinda never knew what we were up against unless we were in family court or defending one of our kids from child protective services or dealing with mental health services. Even then the non transparency kept us in the dark.