posted ago by gigabump ago by gigabump +111 / -0

Hannity and Solomon are very key identifiers ... Hannity said two weeks ago that we would be "shocked" what is on that laptop ... Solomon is going on Lou Dobbs daily explaining more and more declass as if nothing has changed this week .. If Biden and clan were in control - Hannity and Solomon wouldn't be able to say ANY of the things they've been saying the last 3 days. ANY. The only way Hannity could have this info on his show tonight is if there was guaranteed protection and Fox News was under control.

Now - look at truthful Covid news coming from certain MSM. Look at the WaPo article saying Trump did not incite violence. Look at the MSM ganging up on Congress for putting the NG in the parking structure.

REMEMBER in April of last year when Trump said, "Don't worry ... the media will be coming around soon ... they'll start telling the truth - believe me. Very soon."

The entire MSM was able to keep it somewhat a secret that they were all lying ... it won't be hard for them to keep it a secret that they're now going to be telling the truth. By force. Strings were cut. They're free now.

That Law of War thing seems to be in full effect and the only Military Intelligence Apparatus in the World that could pull it off - is the one pulling it off. This has been going on for a long time in my opinion - the lights, camera, action switch got flipped on Wednesday.