Seriously, THANK YOU.
Your activities here have dramatically progressed our .WIN towards it's ultimate goal: TOTAL MAINSTREAM EXPOSURE TO AND ACCEPTANCE OF THE Q MISSION.
A few months ago we were just some obscure research board, patiently dissecting Q's drops, sifting and searching through open-source research, and slowly, slowly expanding our reach. We were getting maybe 20 new users per day.
Then you guys showed up and really livened up the place. You spread our .WIN's URL in your chats, Discords, Plebbit subs and Grindr profiles, advertising our existence in ways none of us here could ever even hope to accomplish. Thanks to you, our mod team has attracted some of the best talent in the movement, tripling in size. Our .WIN's Alexa rank has jumped from 800,000th to something like (EDIT: 56 000th) of all websites on EARTH. Our userbase has gone up astronomically, attracting hundreds of new registrations every day. Content is exploding, the NEW section is absolutely slammed, and the front page is packed with post after quality post from n00bs saying, essentially, "I always thought you were bullshit, but now that I've looked into it..." which the mod team especially loves reading. And, back in the outside world, an increasingly frustrated and ineffectual MSM continues to blow what absolutely must be an unbelievably expensive amount of awoman hours lobbing pointless hit-pieces our way.
"WHEN will they ever go away?" they ask.
"Never," we reply. They haven't even made a DENT. And we're getting stronger.
Yeah, the mod team misses the quiet days where keeping this place tidy was a piece of cake, but, we wouldn't have it any other way. And we have to give credit where credit is due: without you losers, we might still just be a nameless research board, toiling away in our obscure .WIN. Now, this is one of the most entertaining places on the Internet, where watching you guys constantly inventing new ways to LOSE, LOSE, LOSE! just never gets old. If you want to keep helping us for free, please do. Keep trying to poke holes in everything you see. Keep ridiculing us. And slowly but surely, keep losing your most intelligent members to our research. The best of you are always welcome to join us. But, before you fools inevitably lose interest and leave us for the next whatever the next dipshit objective you spazmoids pull out of your collective anuses, know this: WE SALUTE YOU, and we will never forget what you've done for our movement. BOOM! Have an exploding cigar—on the house!
Uhhhhh... thank you?
All for a LARP,
- Your Q Mods
Shills mean nothing. They could send thousands. They will fall. It takes mental weakness to be a shill. The weak are no threat to us. Stay on message. Know the facts. The facts will always win. This is why their narrative is always decaying into nothing and they always need a new one. We are winning because we are destabilizing their narratives faster than they can create new ones. They make mistakes, get sloppy, and boom. Their empire of lies falls. Hold the course.
Kind of curious though as to whether their message going silent is just due to mods deleting anything that doesn’t fall in line with the overall message. I mean, the shill narrative was “Biden will win the election,” then “Biden will be sworn in,” then “the military will not arrest Biden after the inauguration.” And all of those things have come true. At what point are we here the ones creating new narratives faster than the mods can ban people pointing out that they end up wrong?
Just feels a little off.