I've been mulling this over since his speech before heading for FL. if they use the 25th via china ties they would have to expose everyone at the same time because the line of succession is deep with communists, thus leaving about 5 people in congress to vote. idk how tf this would work.
if they go voter fraud route, Mitch and nan will shut the hearings down hand in hand.
I've found a lot of the time when Trump tweets/says stuff like this it is because it is how something will not go down. Think of all the times he tweeted hopes for AGs, Govs, Pence, etc. to do the right thing right before they didn't.
I think impeachment is unlikely, but who knows. The military is a surgical angel of death and I'm glad they're on our side. The show goes on. I'm out of popcorn but I'm autistic so idgaf.
I've been mulling this over since his speech before heading for FL. if they use the 25th via china ties they would have to expose everyone at the same time because the line of succession is deep with communists, thus leaving about 5 people in congress to vote. idk how tf this would work.
if they go voter fraud route, Mitch and nan will shut the hearings down hand in hand.
I've found a lot of the time when Trump tweets/says stuff like this it is because it is how something will not go down. Think of all the times he tweeted hopes for AGs, Govs, Pence, etc. to do the right thing right before they didn't.
I think impeachment is unlikely, but who knows. The military is a surgical angel of death and I'm glad they're on our side. The show goes on. I'm out of popcorn but I'm autistic so idgaf.
Nancy Filing articles Monday...
interesting if Trump takes stand could work. would be hilarious if the military walks in with a wagon of evidence as he testifies.