Yep it's stressful and rough but we r holding the load for them while they get humbled by God. U planted seeds now let God show u how that seed will be used in his divine time to hell humble anyone u tried to talk to in a loving way and they rejected it. We just gotta remember to remain humble while the world goes through there own dark Night of the soul. Plus they have to accept the fact that not only did they get plugged into matrix but they were helping the force trying to take down the 1 not open war ways
Yep it's stressful and rough but we r holding the load for them while they get humbled by God. U planted seeds now let God show u how that seed will be used in his divine time to hell humble anyone u tried to talk to in a loving way and they rejected it. We just gotta remember to remain humble while the world goes through there own dark Night of the soul. Plus they have to accept the fact that not only did they get plugged into matrix but they were helping the force trying to take down the 1 not open war ways