Red Pill me. Interested in different perspectives and coming in with a completely open mind. Give it your best shot, for real.
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Do you really think going along with every global mega corporations agenda is "sticking it to the man"?
Do you really think that a life-long millionaire/billionaire that lived in a golden-gilded apartment in the sky has your best interest at heart?
I didn't really know anything about Trump until MSM started claiming that "literally Hitler" was about to get elected sometime around 2015.
Didn't care much about politics, being a mathematician and all, knowing how 'smart' the average voter is, and how corrupt government clearly always has been, but wanted to make sure that I can anticipate any potential threat even though it was clear that it'd end up hyperbole.
Journey went to confirming hyperbole, to assuming he was just another rich guy running his mouth, to realizing that he indeed does care.
Much unlike the degenerate scum that makes up career politicians like Biden, or the evil filth that is Bush, Obama et. al.
This topic is so dense and convoluted that you'll never get it unless you dig for yourself.
Ask as many questions as you can from all perspective and you'll arrive at the undeniable conclusion that is objective reality.
Trump vs the Glozi establishment is symbolic for good vs evil. And that is not hyperbole. Every single person that spends enough time sincerely questioning reality will invariably arrive at the same conclusion.
Some may not be able to argue it well, but I would personally bet my life on my above claims. And mathematicians don't make assertive claims lightly. We either know for certain or speak in conditional statements, as that is our bread and butter.
what is the Glozi establishment. looked it up and couldn't find anything... figure google is censoring it?
No, I made it up to highlight that the establishment is nothing but the Nazis replacing nationalism with globalism.
Nazis won't stick, and commies is a compliment to those people.