posted ago by itsdazzling ago by itsdazzling +17 / -0

There's been some awesome discord on plane movements, a lot coming from Monkey and a few tidbits on this website. I'm a plane geek, too, and there's some SERIOUS stuff happening.TWO THINGS:

  1. If you're nervous, I can confidently tell you the planes aren't lying (well.. they are being sneaky). Something is happening and it's big. Let's hope and pray it is in our favor.
  2. Although this stuff is public, be careful what you say. We might be stumbling into something kind've big and I don't want to compromise it. If you want to get in on some serious digging or are super into tracking planes join the element group: https://matrix.to/#/+thedonaldofficial:matrix.org and ask for @itsdazzling Mods I hope this is ok, I'm just trying to clean things up