Looking for: Mil brat TruthHammer's father's CV & father's confirmation Q was a mil operation.
TruthHammer on Twitter, identified as a military brat. His father was long-time military, possibly mil intel (don't recall). The father's CV was long & legit appearing. He believed Q was a legit mil op.
TruthHammer isn't on Twitter anymore. 8kun q-related boards have been nuked twice so I'm having a hard time finding an archived post.
Does anyone remember that guy and his dad? Can you point me in the right direction or upload (?) if you have it saved? Thank you!
He believed Q was a legit mil op.
Hope this doesn't come across too harshly, but why? So you can have another anonymous, outside-the-operation opinion?
Just take mine: it's a military operation.
but why? Because the dad's CV was extensive and reasoning supporting the mil intel op detailed. While I do not need convincing, I'd like to see the CV again and it'll help the boomers in my circle.
Fair enough. I'll look around. Let you know if I find anything. All the best to you.
Thank you and likewise.