Oh good. We're back at it. Fuck you Biden.
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Great response. I was leaning towards the disinformation thing after thinking about it a bit. Biden couldn't possibly send troops into Syria so soon because he doesn't control the military and there is simply no justification for it on the world stage at this time. That would take some explaining.
They have our equipment over there, we know it. And it's not hard to take some shots of a convoy and claim US aggression in Syria. Again, for no reason at all. And why would we trust the "news" that comes out of Syria in any way, shape, or form.
Lastly, and it pains me, The Gateway Pundit has resorted to clickbait lately and more exaggerated headlines than usual to keep readers onboard, and to try to paint a picture of an out-of-control Biden administration. They are trying but trying too hard, imo, and their integrity is slipping.
I can now take a deep breath and get some sleep.
If this is all a movie, then perhaps everything happening now is designed to wake up the brainwashed masses? If Mil is in control, then this "fake" prez can rain down commie shit on the masses to wake them up, but none of it is real.
I agree. All optics right now. I spent a fair amount of time trying to get people on TGP to question WHY we would do anything in Syria. A 2 year old would ask that question first...but the obvious answer of "we have no reason" proves this isn't us doing it doesn't sit well with them. It's exhausting trying to get people to think. But we keep at it!
That is literally our purpose now.
Heard vid suggesting that instead of trying to drop huge truth bobs on blind folks, to get them interested in the patents filed by the Navy on antir-gravity craft, zero point energy device, and a room temp super conductor.
Put all three together and what do you get? SPACe FORCE