posted ago by prophetofnothing ago by prophetofnothing +6 / -0

(Is there a general term I mean seriously, I wrote a semi interesting life story, but half of you got stuck on the headline it seems.)( I get it now, no qanon, but now my coworker wants to call us qtards...)(ah coworker digging, finding the posts about labeling...gotcha...)

I want to express my gratitude first and foremost. My spiral down the Qanon rabbit hole has answered many questions I had about suspicious behaviors of the media, our government, and what Trump truly represented. My interest in politics started in 2016, following the building of the nominations of the candidates. I already had reasons that I was 'down' in general, but after Bernie Sanders 'somehow' failed to obtain the Democratic nomination, it caused me to have an existential breakdown. I had lost absolute faith in the system. I had no trust for Trump yet, in fact I hated him, but promised that I would follow the news. I needed to see the good, because I believe in the good of all. My news never showed me good. MSM did there worst to him. I hated him in every article. It started to get to the point where I went null in regards to politics due to life, a year and a half spent on cryptocurrency research. That was what gave me true hope for the world. I started to not care about politics, because I was redeveloping my views of how I felt the world should function in comparison to what it is really like. I'm a millennial though, I recognize that my knowledge and experience is lacking. In the fall of 2019, I was freed of certain personal pain and distraction, could further my interest in politics. I still had the same question that I had in 2016; Why were Trump followers so devoted to someone, regardless of what the MSM said? Boy do I feel silly about laughing off the Fake News conversations. I HAD NO IDEA. There was no way I would have ever conceived that the filtering towards me could be so thorough. It was when I started to attack the algorithms by seeking out fact checking material in regards to unusual new articles I could target in passing from Facebook. Then weird articles containing positive and unbelievable occurrences about Trump started to appear. Stuff that MSM couldn't verify, or rather wouldn't verify. It made me lost. I still wasn't sure what I was suppose to be believing any more. Unlike many, my associations were not that varied. I was not close to a single Trump supporter. I had no discord in regards to Trump supporters to my life, like so many libs complain about >_> anyway, because I had no real connections to that side, I still was not able to penetrate the barrier and figure out where the devotion truly came from. At the beginning of 2020, I got very heated about fact checking. I started challenging everyone on Facebook. Had to pull myself repeatedly because I was looking for proof that Trump was a good person, and I just could not find it! I got distracted with love come spring. I got very into this quiet man at work. The first time arriving to his place, his mother living with him, I'm warned don't start a conversation at politics. He knows I'm a strong centralist at this point that has not shown any love for Trump. Whoops. I did not realize I started fucking the only Trump supporter I know, and he not once ever spoke up or commented on any of my political views. Never gives his opinion, unless I specifically ask. Plenty of other things to think about anyway. He treats me with respect. Pays me a sweetness like no other. I am absolutely in love. I had a dozen other men seeking my attention, and it did not matter because I couldn't stop thinking about him. The internal drama of me wanting to ask his awkward questions and pick him apart like a science specimen. I reached a wall though. Because I did eventually ask him these questions, and got no real answers. Again! All my conversations with supporters have been in passing, and they provided no answers. With the case of this boyfriend, his knowledge was second hand, and knew that he was going to be pinned verbally by me if he tried answering my questions. One day, he is napping, and I'm stoned with his mom. I admit I don't like Trump, and she asks me why, I give her my MSM mumbo, jumbo reply. Long story short, she is very frustrated, and I felt silly because I'm too stoned to dodge her conversation. Her intent is good. This was last May. It took me 7 months to realize now, that she was trying to red pill me, and had no idea how to. I had been fed too much MSM to willingly accept her words at value. .nevergetsinvitedoveragain Guy does not want to stop seeing me. This event haunts me for months. He never treats me any differently, but I think he felt like he had to protect me from his mom. My interest in figuring out the puzzle only increases. Eventually for outside reason, the guy breaks it off with me. A month before the election. He leaves the job. By this point, I still don't know what I believe, but I know I fucking hate Biden. I do a write in. I almost vote Trump, only because I have decided I would pick him over Biden. It dawns on me that I hope he fights for it if he doesn't win, because I wanted to see him fight for it. What cured my heart break tho? Election fraud! My other coworker and I stalk the cases and receipts. We're both trying to penetrate the other side of the media. He is successful. All of december is us trying to catch up on QAnon, and learn the ways. Finally learn the truth about the peculiar articles I encountered and couldn't believe. (My top three stories being about his adventures in North Korea, Russia, and the Middle East. Okay 4, busting pedos is top tier.) Fastforward, we're watching Salty Crackers live stream, he's got multiple camera views of our peers being let into the Capitol on January 6th. At this point, I've been officially sold into the team. All the suspicion I have had about our government is true. As we watched these events unroll daily, I'm in awe. For the first time since 2016, I am feel true hope for the country, because I trust the plan. Everyday people here and at other safe venues are speaking about the key evidence about every action taken before our eyes. This is a network of hope we have created based around real material evidence, trails, and witness accounts. What started as I claimed as a personal research project to my friends and family, has become a reality that blindly clashes with my entire life. Conclusion? I get it, why there is no easy simple answer to explain why you love Trump without sounding like a total nut job. He's amazing, I'm convinced. If this 7 years college hippie, MSM brainwashed libtard only took one year working upstream to find out how Trump was so great, think about how easy it will be for the majority to adapt through the plan? God Bless America. I trust the plan. WWG1WGA P.S. the guy came back to me, and said I was the one, on 1/11 ;)