Yeah, if this goes ahead and China causes more trouble and Beijing Biden does nothing diplomatic (which lol, he'll very likely just send a strongly worded letter with a P.S No Hate Me) then we have two very real situations in front of us :
Biden goes ahead with Iran/Syria conflict to please his masters in their desire for more sandbox wars and ignores his BFFs in China.
The military aren't in control of shit, there isn't any plan, the warhawks are back in business.
2 would be awfully retarded. 1 would be awfully retarded.
I mean this is getting awfully close to the line here....
Yeah, if this goes ahead and China causes more trouble and Beijing Biden does nothing diplomatic (which lol, he'll very likely just send a strongly worded letter with a P.S No Hate Me) then we have two very real situations in front of us :
2 would be awfully retarded. 1 would be awfully retarded.
I mean this is getting awfully close to the line here....