Ok, so let’s assume there is a plan, and that we Digital Soldiers still have an integral role to play.
What should we be doing right now? Should we be retreating to the comfort of our echo-chambers; fuelling a hopioid epidemic with crazy speculation (e.g. inauguration was pre-recorded, Biden is operating from a fake OO and signing blank EO’s)?
Or should we be re-organising ourselves and getting back into the trenches of the digital battlefield?
Q was very clear that – in order to wakeup those who have been brainwashed – the plan was for America to be taken to the precipice. I don’t think we’re quite there yet.
"You can't tell the public the truth. You must show them."
There is a a good chance that many libs/sheep who think their candidate won legitimately will have already reverted back to binge-watching Netflix, Disney+ etc.
In fact I know many stopped paying attention to politics as soon as the media called the race for Biden, so they ignored all of the voter fraud hearings. So, whilst they might have tuned into the Inauguration to catch LadyGaGa, it's doubtful that they are paying close attention to the ongoing Biden shit-show or engaging in politics beyond reading MSM headlines.
However, since they will still be using social media for their dopamine boost, it is our job to fill their news feed with coverage of Biden and to ensure they witness the insanity that is playing out.
“Never retreat from the battlefield”
Whilst this forum, Gab, 8kun, provide useful “communications hubs”, I believe we should heed Q's advice and NOT retreat from the main battlefields of Twitter, Instagram and Facebook. That is where the information war continues to take place, and where there are still many lost souls who we have been tasked with helping overcome the MSM brainwashing.
Who cares if our presence on Twitter/FB makes those companies slightly more profitable in the short-term... we know that, eventually, they will "collapse under own weight of illegal activities.”
"Use of camouflage"
At this stage, we should certainly not mention Q, and it may be wise to keep the mention of Trump to a minimum as well. Instead, let’s focus on pointing out to normies just how incompetent the Biden administration is already showing itself to be. There is certainly no shortage of evidence/ammunition.
Perhaps rather than using pseudo-anonymous Twitter accounts like many of us have been doing (until the recent purge) we should now concentrate on our personal social media networks and begin dropping red-pills to try and trigger the critical thinking of our friends/family. We don't need to let on that we are Trump/Q supporters, but instead just Biden sceptics.
Biden showing clear signs of cognitive impairment.
Use new post-election examples: “Salute the marines” [ear piece] “I don’t know what I’m signing”.
We need to ensure EVERYONE is familiar with these examples. I’m sure there will be many more new gaffes to come.
Once normies are familiar with these examples, we need to encourage them to ask themselves if Biden is in control of planning/decision making, or if he is indeed a puppet. Let’s get the normies thinking about who could be pulling his strings.
Point out Biden Lies
The promise that he wouldn't ban fracking was broken on day 1, killing 11,000 jobs with the stroke of a pen.
America Last
Congress bill to send US taxpayer money to foreign countries. US citizens not priority.
Good insight here from the perspective of a non-corrupt Democrat: https://gab.com/SomeBitchIKnow/posts/105601996548707995
Paris Accord = SCAM
Help normies understand this, and the damage it will likely cause to the US economy. https://www.theepochtimes.com/mkt_app/rejoining-paris-climate-deal-will-have-devastating-economic-consequences-experts-say_3665887.html?v=ul
Dr Shiva: Who Profits from Climate Change: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-0Rtystv7dc
Covid-19 Narritive Kill
Whilst Covid is a real virus, the response was a political hoax.
Biden has no plan https://twitter.com/disclosetv/status/1352712833511919623?s=20
States re-opening now that Trump is gone. https://twitter.com/BreitbartNews/status/1352703818916634625?s=20
PCR testing is bunk - was done to inflate numbers and drive fear. CNN covid counter gone. https://twitter.com/AmyMek/status/1352377243616514048?s=20
Now he’s back centre stage and criticising Trump and his suggestion of HCQ: https://youtu.be/1KAzwgcncpY?t=81
Let's make sure normies are fully aware of Fauci's 2005 study where he stated HCQ was both a prophylactic and a cure. https://onenewsnow.com/perspectives/bryan-fischer/2020/04/27/fauci-knew-about-hcq-in-2005-nobody-needed-to-die
Don't just focus on 2020 Covid deaths. Expand normie thinking to understand millions of lives lost over past 15 years due to HCQ being suppressed by big pharma.
I believe we are in an stronger position than we currently appreciate, and all may still be going according to Plan A.
The enemy are now supplying us with fresh ammunition on a daily basis. Trump is out of the picture so the media are not able to distract their audience with further attacks on him. Also, now that Trump is not tweeting to shape the daily narrative, the MSM are in the process of adapting and (presumably - I don’t watch MSM) struggling to fill the void.
Beware of Shills / Dud Ammunition
With the enemy knowing we are somewhat "on the back foot", they are clearly infiltrating our ranks and attempting to distract us with Dud Ammunition which, when deployed, will blow up in our own faces. Take extreme caution when sharing information – ensure it is fully verified. Revisit the Q drops – we've been given so much to work with!
The media / politicians are still threatened by Q:
In the past few days there have been so many articles attempting to destroy the morale of digital soldiers. Congress are attempting to bar QAnon followers from gaining security clearance.
Additionally, my “Ultimate QProofs” video (uploaded Jan 2020) was finally taken down from YouTube the day after the inauguration. The timing seems very strange. Why are they still threatened by Q and digital soldiers if it was all a crazy hoax?
We are Q
Whether or not the Q team still have a "Trump card" to play, we shouldn't be complacent and sit around waiting for others to save us. Whilst it's important to continue to pray, we need to take inspired action ourselves and continue to fight in the ongoing information war.
Do you think soldiers in the American Revolution who found themselves cornered/losing hope waited around for General George Washington to personally come to the rescue?
Keep charging, Midnight Riders!
He immediately gave China access to our energy grid. Never a more transparent “foreign puppet.”