posted ago by sleepydude ago by sleepydude +94 / -2

THEY are the actors, but they just don't know it yet.

Follow me here; what is with the huge display of force from the National Guard on the 20th? Why were they deputized to do nothing? What was that all about? Did they have to scrub the plan for mass arrests?

The damn place was built like a prison camp. And all of the filth just drove right into it! If the inauguration was pre-recorded, why would Trump not set up hidden cameras?

They sure as hell didn't seem confident, even after Biden got into the White House. He got through three EOs before Secret Service tossed all the reporters out of the room. They probably wanted to tear the place apart to look and see what tricks Trump might have put in the walls like they did when Obama rigged the room. They'd be even more baffled to find he didn't wire up the room like a kill-chamber.

All this show by Trump and for what? All these Executive Orders and staff shake-ups before he left, acting like he was gonna be there for another 4 years. It really seemed they would have to get a strike crew to pull him out of the White House.

I keep asking myself, "Why would Trump do all this stuff and not use ANY of it?"

But it hit me -- they are asking these same questions right now! Trump hasn't telegraphed A DAMN THING. At this point, they are probably coming to GAW to figure out what the hell is going on. They may even be taking Lin Wood, Simon Parkes and Charlie Ward as gospel truth in what is to come because they don't have any more of a clue than us.

They are turning the media on Q because they can't actually believe they got away with it. They, like us, KNOW something else is going on but don't know where to even begin looking. How much of their time and resources are going into researching Q now? How many rumors and legal technicalities are true?

Hell, they might think someone on their side DID have a dirty bomb and threatened to blow it if Trump and the Military didn't capitulate on the 20th.

Again, how would they even know if one of their own did manage to sneak one in? How would they even know if Epstein is really alive? There are so many of those crooked bastards, all willing and desperate to act on their own, how could they possibly coordinate anything and know for certain it actually happened without some sort of confirmation from the good guys?

If we are watching a movie, who is the director? Producer? Screenwriter?


He is going full-on Truman Show on their asses right now. He is giving them everything they want just to see how dumb they really are; to see what they would do with it when they got it. Remember what Biden said about Trump's letter, "It was really generous". What the hell is that supposed to mean?

Why spring a trap as soon as they enter it? Let them roll around in their own filth a little and have a chuckle while they panic in disbelief of their success. Remember, these people are really, really stupid. Their pride and ruthlessness will be their downfall.

The rumors they have a dirty bomb may be just that, rumors. It is a disinformation campaign they are falling for. Why not give them a false sense of security? Why not let them think they successfully foiled a big mass-arrest event? I'm convinced that sources like Lin Wood, Simon Parkes and Charlie Ward are in contact with who they say they are, but they are being fed half-truths in order to seem real and panic the enemy while reassure us.

Imagine what chances they would take if they really thought they had a dirty bomb and were holding the nation hostage?

They are RUSHING to do as much damage as they can right now because they really don't know what is coming any more than we do, and that is a level of uncertainty they have never known before. They have no dirt on Trump or the Military and even if they do they can't trust it any more. What is real and what is not? If it is too good to be true, it probably is.

Remember, until they play every card they have, they will be desperate enough to do just about anything. Only when the dumbest of them are fully convinced they've won will they start at each other's throats in a bid for power; only then will they be at their weakest.

We've always known the Left eat their own, but unlike starving dogs who snap at one another to get the first grab at meat, they are like greedy thieves who will stab one another in the back as soon as they get back to the den and try to split up the goods. Some of them really think they've won, and they can't resist turning on each other for a larger slice of the pie.

This IS a movie, but we aren't in it -- they are.