That is what makes me believe there is no way this is over. I cannot see DJT, who seriously would be going down as one of the best Presidents in history, would make it so apparent there was fraud and then walk away. That's pretty much treason in itself.
get off the q stuff don't you want the real answers I have been downloading the shit they are hiding from the public trust me you will not regret looking. time for the next red pill dude.
Removed. This is great content, but doesn't warrant its own post. It will get better visibility and drive discussion better in the daily discussion thread. Thanks for understanding!
I want to stay grounded in reality and real possibility. We have to stay level headed and be prepared for all outcomes in our pursuits. Otherwise we do a disservice to ourselves by turning a blind eye.
My problem with the q crowd. At first it was about truth is cast aside for hopium and plan trusting to the point of censoring dissenting opinions. Met some interesting original thinkers through the q thing....other than that its kind of taken a nose dive.
That is what makes me believe there is no way this is over. I cannot see DJT, who seriously would be going down as one of the best Presidents in history, would make it so apparent there was fraud and then walk away. That's pretty much treason in itself.
Yup, an unpleasant truth.
Another very scary fact? You will never be a real woman.
It is also cold and hard.
Even if I chops off my man bits!? ; )
You are too scared to even perceive a hypothetical without going on the attack. Room temperature IQ
I perceive your uselessness.
Also, your mom wanted to push you back in.
More blather..The mirror is a cruel mistress.
And that is why you dodge mirrors in the morning, princess.
Because if you linger on your face? Your whole day is ruined.
All day you walk around, knowing that you are not a woman.
You have my pity.
Look how much energy you are putting into your silly unoriginal insult. I must be over the target.
Reminding you that you are not a woman replenishes my energy.
Breaking my playthings reinvigorates me, princess.
I’m over your target, and it’s an outtie, not an innie. Feel me?
You keep talking about genitals and transexuals. Take it up with your psychiatrist.
get off the q stuff don't you want the real answers I have been downloading the shit they are hiding from the public trust me you will not regret looking. time for the next red pill dude.
That's an interesting account, one that actually declasses stuff it looks like.
Removed. This is great content, but doesn't warrant its own post. It will get better visibility and drive discussion better in the daily discussion thread. Thanks for understanding!
Shut up retard, it's a hypothetical. Your IQ is room temperature.
what if the primary target of the Q Psyop was Trump, himself ?
( I don't agree with mods removing posts like this )
I want to stay grounded in reality and real possibility. We have to stay level headed and be prepared for all outcomes in our pursuits. Otherwise we do a disservice to ourselves by turning a blind eye.
My problem with the q crowd. At first it was about truth is cast aside for hopium and plan trusting to the point of censoring dissenting opinions. Met some interesting original thinkers through the q thing....other than that its kind of taken a nose dive.