It was not sold. You can search it yourself Last sale in 1975. Address according to both Wikipedia and Google is 20601 Bohemian..
This is definitely a LARP imo.
shut up u little bitch.take it or leave it. or even better,,piss off back to the whole you came from. all i said was that the twitter page is interesting. do some follow up research about the house of wettin. its real, just as real as the house of windsor
Are real estate records for places like this public domain? it was sold by bohemian grove divestiture under the umberella of the belenoff glamis group
Thank him for sharing disinfo?
u/JustAnon gave the correct answer-
shut up u little bitch.take it or leave it. or even better,,piss off back to the whole you came from. all i said was that the twitter page is interesting. do some follow up research about the house of wettin. its real, just as real as the house of windsor