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Just wait until the DNI labels us as the #1 domestic terror threat.
To the Feds here - specifically the FBI IAs - you guys are a joke. You should be ashamed. You swore and oath and now you are monitoring the very people who are committed to saving the United States. When you get back in your Prius or 3 Series Tesla to go home to Fredericksburg or Loudoun, take some time to ponder this on the way home. You could actually make a difference by standing up or refusing unlawful orders. I know you’re scared about your GS14 promotion potential, but you will be able to sleep with a clean conscience. Otherwise, it might be time to turn in your badge before it’s too late. NCSWIC.
Hammer em Blacksmith! I mean with words, not an actual hammer. That would be violent. We don't do that here.
Also, you're fat