X22 Report that has been banned by YouTube, you cannot find their website when searching "X22 Report" in Google but it hit 1.6 mln views on Rumble.
Watch it here, save the channel in your Favs:
X22 Report that has been banned by YouTube, you cannot find their website when searching "X22 Report" in Google but it hit 1.6 mln views on Rumble.
Watch it here, save the channel in your Favs:
Talking about views on rumble. Big media tech is in trouble. I have been everywhere today and all I'm seeing/hearing is gab t.v./rumble/bitchute for videos and everyone but twatter/fb for all the rest.
They have to be in shock.
they are finished... short short short...
if Q is validated by anything the destruction of facebook, google and twitter both by election interference, prosecution... assets siezed.... and setting up rival sites... is so profitable..... and you betchya Trump has a stake in that game....