praying71 7 points ago +7 / -0

Trump is talking about the other man - the one in green hat and black Trump 2024 t-shirt.

You can see him to the right of the lady in blue t-shirt:


praying71 5 points ago +5 / -0

Trump is forcing Obama’s endorsement (issuing this statement).

Moves, countermoves - let’s analyse the scenarios. What are the possibilities?

  • If they replace Kamala - Trump is PROVEN right.

  • If Obama doesn’t endorse her - Kamala looks bad. Trump LOOKS to be correct (optics). The longer this situation continues - the more often he repeats the statement, strengthening the effect, forcing the choice above or below.

  • If Obama endorses Kamala - Trump uses all his cards against her, so finally they’re back to circle 1 to replace her. Next endorsement from Obama will be laughed at (“Who is going to be endorsed by Obama this week?”).

Trump is genius.

praying71 3 points ago +3 / -0

If they want to pick them one by one without most people noticing and MSM freaking - August break is the best time.

praying71 3 points ago +3 / -0

Removal of Biden voters, dead 10 years before the election?

Edit: These figures can be deltas (incremental/negative).

69 mln less would be like:

  • 10 mln can be attributed to vaxx

  • 59 mln can be attributed to the reduction of ghosts, dead years before 2020 election, artificially kept in census and voter rolls.

That would mean: Biden got 81 - 59 = aprox 22 mln votes. Still too many, so maybe 10 mln / 59 mln isn’t a perfect guess for the split.

praying71 31 points ago +31 / -0

Trump is talking about the other man - the one in green hat and black Trump 2024 t-shirt.

See him to the right of the lady in blue t-shirt:


praying71 2 points ago +2 / -0

Crossing the border illegally is a felony too.

  • Does this stop the people? Yes. The honest ones like myself.

  • Did this stop the illegals? No.

If so, why people believe this announcement would work?

It’s like a bank where they fired the security staff and replaced them with a banner: “Shooting the cashier is illegal”.

I visited the US years ago on my business visa 10 years ago and I remember a disclaimer on a paperwork on the plane: When do you plan to leave the US? If you don’t leave the US within the declared time - you will not be allowed to visit ever again.

That was a scary warning. But: It only works for the honest foreigners. You don’t need to tell them that they shouldn’t vote. They won’t vote anyway.

praying71 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yes. Full 1 year. Looks feasible, especially that since the Shot Heard Around the World nobody cares about … but, but, but, Retribution! mental programming.

praying71 3 points ago +3 / -0

I watched this interview carefully. He said he will release the information about an assassination attempt. He didn’t say shooting.

If this is The Plan and The Movie he can still release some information about an unauthorised rocket launch that was on a Q board and he will still deliver the promise (even if he never releases the information about the shooting).

praying71 6 points ago +6 / -0

People naively believe that the FBI would create an account on a site that reveals their email addresses publicly to unauthorised users (like wayback machine bot).

praying71 1 point ago +1 / -0

I actually meant something else: Twitter post says it’s a COUP (meaning: against Biden to kick him off and replace with Kamala in an organised way).

What I’m saying is: It wasn’t a COUP by the Deep State. It was their Backup Plan for a case that the Trump assassination fails. Planned ahead of time. Executed.

Then we may still wonder: Was it the Deep State plan or … as you suggested: THE PLAN?!

Whatever it is: it accelerates, it feels good.

praying71 4 points ago +4 / -0

There is a moment when the camera shows the window and yes, it was open.

praying71 1 point ago +1 / -0

I’m wondering if that was recorded before Biden dropped from the race or before …

praying71 1 point ago +1 / -0

“Cor.ney desperate to get some intel”?

praying71 2 points ago +2 / -0

The next steps:

  • She needs to chose the VP candidate.
  • She chooses Big Mike.
  • Then Kamela steps down and “focuses on fulfilling her duties as VP”.
  • Big Mike takes over and announces Obiden as running mate.
  • The comedy continues until the declass, 1 month before the election.
praying71 1 point ago +1 / -0

The next steps:

  • She needs to chose the VP candidate.

  • She chooses Big Mike.

  • Then Kamela steps down and “focuses on fulfilling her duties as VP”.

  • Big Mike takes over and announces Obiden as running mate.

  • The comedy continues until the declass, 1 month before the election.

praying71 2 points ago +2 / -0

It will be a delta when the press prints the headlines tomorrow.

praying71 1 point ago +2 / -1

ELI5 = Explain Like I’m 5.

praying71 1 point ago +1 / -0

Someone lost a lot of money. And someone made a lot of money off this stunt. I wonder who did.

That can be a “narrative change” attempt after failed assassination.

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