C'mon man we're watching a fucking movie aren't we?
-Joe having to catch a private plane to his own inauguration
-Joe saying "salute the Marines" instead of actually saluting the Marines
-Bill Clinton falls asleep at the inauguration
-Lady Gaga sings national anthem dressed in Hunger Games attire
-Joe locked out of White House
-First thing Joe does in office is fire a black man (can't remember name)
-Joe signs an Executive Order while saying "I don't know what I'm signing" while Kamala says "Just (fucking) sign it"
-Trump walking passed the window behind Joe in the Oval Office
-New White House press secretary is an orange haired communist
-Joe's Oval Office looks suspiciously like the movie set from Independence Day
-Joe seen at Lincoln Memorial without a mask after signing an executive order saying masks are mandatory
Huge speculation: Robin Williams faked his death to play a senile Joe Biden. Robert Trump faked his death to be his older brother Donald Trumps double (see Trump & Melania exiting AF1 in Florida).
I'd get sources for all of these but it's too fucking hard to Google shit these days.
I'll add more to the list:
-During Joe's speech on official White House JewTube channel voice from God (Hunter?) saying "I just agreed to a plea sentence..."
Dude most of what you said I agree with