In the first few Q drops we see much of "Huma" . In drop #8 we see :
"Huma . Husband in Jail"
Huma's husband (Anthony Weiner) was in jail for sexting with a teenager .
So Huma must be her . After that drop #8 says
"Where is Huma today? . Was she with HRC on her book tour?"
We know Huma Abedin was close to HRC . When this drop were written (30th Oct 2017) , Huma had to post on twitter for over a year . So she was kinda missing .
Huma posted recently after 2 years for the new administration . Q seems to give ALOT of attention to her .
Also have in mind that Q have HUMA all caps and Huma (like a name) . So I guess the ALL CAPS one is the Harvard thing some people have mentioned and the other is Abedin .
I wonder why Q give Huma Abedin that much attention . Is she really that important ?? As a Greek , I didn't even know her ( I guess I don't know a lot of US politicians ) . I guess in US she must be known or something . If someone have some valuable info about her , feel free to share it . Thanks
HUMA is the Harvard thing
Huma is Abedin
That's all I'm saying . But Q makes the separation (All caps and first letter on caps)
New here. First post. Searching huma foundation corp It's a non profit, registered in Nebraska, office located in west gate bank building
Co founder-Jay Kalavapudi, lives in va, also runs this (shell?) company Company is 11 years old but website hardly has any info on it
Searching him... he has an arrest record at