posted ago by jdawggg ago by jdawggg +5 / -1



This is an important message that I feel has significant relevance, and although I am still relatively new to the board... I feel as though there have been quite a few individuals that have failed to recognize this message, and I do not think you should be held to any fault.

We have all been <programmed> to certain extents, and we've been faced with the selective messaging that they've wanted us to see on a daily basis through MSM, social media and other outlets. To what extent this has occurred, and the true intent, is certainly something that is up for debate. There is absolutely no right answer to this, however those that convince themselves that 'ALL' is propaganda and have been used to justify their opposition/stance against these narratives need to take a step back and recognize something that should be protected.

This movement isn't for everybody. You're going to have shills, and you're also going to have people who have convinced themselves that they are followers of the <MAGA-Q> movement while demonstrating the complete opposite.

We've seen how important it is for the [DS] to push us against each other. We have seen everything used, and this has included race, sex, gender, political party, religion, etcetera.

We should question these things and work to understand exactly why those things have been pushed, and to what extend they've been used to push public policy decisions and certainly <public opinion> towards certain topics.

However, I think we all need to remember or acknowledge a few things. We are all humans, and we should not use this platform to be divisive.

Discrimination should have no place here on this particular board, and I do not think this is something that should be debated.

Unity will not be achieved by polarizing different groups of people based on their sex, gender, race or political party.

You cannot simultaneously push for unity while also leaving comments and rhetoric that is divisive, unchecked.

The arguments made to justify these behaviors typically include something about the <Freedom of Speech> and while this rings true, I think it is antithetical to what MAGA & Q truly stand for.

If you're one of those individuals that chooses hate over love, I truly ask you to look inside yourself for empathy and an understanding that we are all not the same.

We live in the best country in the world, and this is because we have our rights. We can be who we want to be, love who we want to be, and do what we want to do.

Hate, especially that towards minority groups ( e.g. LGBTQ individuals ) should be avoided. I personally have the belief that we have the 'freedom' to have our own opinion, however I do not believe this should translate into a means to justify ones pursuit to put others down.

How can we truly be united when we do not point out moments when someone is being divisive?

For example, sharing content that display racist comments ( e.g. N-word ) is something that might be polarizing to someone that is black. I certainly do not agree with giving words such as this 'meaning' but I also think that there should at least be some form of acknowledgement that this should at the same time not be something that is defended, nor encouraged.

I saw a particular comment recently that was relatively inflammatory towards those that are 'trans' and to my surprise, it was a relatively popular one. I won't make any reference to it in particular, because this shouldn't be about <one> post, but rather a general alignment with a movement that it seems some have strayed from.

This should be a discussion board that welcomes ALL. This movement is about a 'Great Awakening' movement, and that is inclusive of all individuals. The issues I have with this poor rhetoric is that it paints a bad image of this community to those that are new.

I want to be able to share content here without such hate being condoned, and I know that some of you agree with this.

You do not know who is on the other side of your messages. Respect is something that is important, and all I want to do is encourage some of you to see how your messaging might look to someone that might be looking to take the red-pill, because right now we're a part of a group that has been polarized as being racist, sexist, etcetera.

Content should be related to Q and, according to board rules, be civil. There are other places for unfiltered discussion, and I don't think they should be anywhere near this movement.