There's only two options, Q or collapse.
We're living in a bubble that's gonna pop one way or the other period, our money is fake, our news is fake, our corporation of a government is fake.. it's all an empire of lies and it's coming down with or without help from MI. If we have a solid firm belief in our mil, and they start taking these crooks and worse down, then we can consider ourselves lucky.
But the system is collapsing imo either way, and Prayers, preperations, and more prayers is the name of the game now.
Guns are last resort defensive solutions. Guns and training are good, but that's not anything we can use against this global corruption.
We need our Military to step in and clean house ie "Q", or we need to try to survive the storm and rebuild afterwards.
My opinion
There's only two options, Q or collapse. We're living in a bubble that's gonna pop one way or the other period, our money is fake, our news is fake, our corporation of a government is fake.. it's all an empire of lies and it's coming down with or without help from MI. If we have a solid firm belief in our mil, and they start taking these crooks and worse down, then we can consider ourselves lucky. But the system is collapsing imo either way, and Prayers, preperations, and more prayers is the name of the game now. Guns are last resort defensive solutions. Guns and training are good, but that's not anything we can use against this global corruption. We need our Military to step in and clean house ie "Q", or we need to try to survive the storm and rebuild afterwards. My opinion