Oh snap... yeah you got me cause I stopped worrying about
Come backs when i was 12...
But I supose if you wanna talk cum-backs I could have asked you for a saliva sample.
And not that I should have to defend my beliefs in a Biblically accurate description of the earth.. but I will. I believe it because thats how the Bible describes it.. and the globe model seems like a lot of propaganda to me. Thats all I would have said if but not for the pissing contest. :) can we be buddies now that is over.. I make wicked cookies ? ✌
I always thought of it like a circuit board.. flat using the electromagnetic field and by tapping things like pyramids and obelisk turns it into a conductor. The ball doesn't make sense ? to me.. I can't even pretend it does..
The guy with the huge teeth and white hair.. I think he's a professor now..
He reminded me of guy smiley from
Sesame st.
The concept of space never made sense to me.. why would you have to go across opposed to up..almost like there is a barrier they found.. like I dont know possibly like we're in a fishbowl.. lolz
The earth is not flat!! Stop making us look bad. This post belongs in conspiracies.win.
Universal studios logo was first.. "image" of earth second :)
Yes. I forgot in the 90's it was proven the world is in fact a vampire.. my bad ;)
Lulz :)
That's not even a good comeback.
Galileo would have some words with you, though I wouldn't be surprised to learn you're completely ignorant of astronomy in the 1500s.
Oh snap... yeah you got me cause I stopped worrying about Come backs when i was 12... But I supose if you wanna talk cum-backs I could have asked you for a saliva sample.
And not that I should have to defend my beliefs in a Biblically accurate description of the earth.. but I will. I believe it because thats how the Bible describes it.. and the globe model seems like a lot of propaganda to me. Thats all I would have said if but not for the pissing contest. :) can we be buddies now that is over.. I make wicked cookies ? ✌
Lol, wtf is the matter with you?
I wasn't hugged enough as a child I guess lolz ?
I always thought of it like a circuit board.. flat using the electromagnetic field and by tapping things like pyramids and obelisk turns it into a conductor. The ball doesn't make sense ? to me.. I can't even pretend it does..
Wasn't that the animation studio room.. that Disney and them pay homage to? Or am I off in the clouds again.. lolz seemed to spark a memory lolz
That was right before he took power with Bush.. and right before the world changed with the towers.
The guy with the huge teeth and white hair.. I think he's a professor now.. He reminded me of guy smiley from Sesame st. The concept of space never made sense to me.. why would you have to go across opposed to up..almost like there is a barrier they found.. like I dont know possibly like we're in a fishbowl.. lolz
That is soooo awesome!!!! Eeeeek I love when pieces come together!! I'm a total puzzle nerd