Ok my fellow family of love and light. God has put something in my heart and I'm gonna hopefully do my best to put it in his words not my own. So plz view this as GOD talking through me. We have all spent many many days and nights researching, theorizing, arguing, hoping, sharing, loving, and many many others things that have made us all change in ways we cant fully understand. We all have different paths but we r all part of a grand plan that isnt fully understood by humanity yet. This plan is not Q. Yes Q was part of this plan but there are things that go beyond Q. This is the plan of God the creator. He called all of us together for more than just researching and predicting future. While I will never say give those things up because u have free will and need to walk ur own path, I can feel in all of us a desire to do more for this plan and group. So if u want a chance to make a truely profound impact in this divine plan playing out, here is a way to be that warrior and fight back This post is not about Q research or theories or even helping people new to Q learn thing. This post is a prayer chain. I will pray for anyone willing to reach out in comments and provide what u would like me to pray for. This can be anything ur heart feels. Personal issues like family or friends or ur current state of mind. Keep names or backstories out just provide ur message that u want me to bring to Gods feet on ur behalf. Plz let out ur hearts here u r all my family and I love u and know how hard this journey has been for all of us. I will pray each day for each person's response. All I ask is a couple guidelines to help it become all that it can be.
- the comments r for what u want or need help from God in ur life, plz dont use comments to say things like Good idea or totally on board. A brief sentence is ok but the main focus should be what u want God to do for u.
- plz dont thank me or give any of credit to me. If u feel need to say something to me on that level reach out in another post or something and we can talk there.
- This is the most important one. If you post something plz pay it forward and join me in praying for every comment daily. Pick ur own time but just help us out with prayer for those asking. Also upboat it so we can see how fast our prayer army is growing. Even if u domt comment but still join me in praying plz upvoat These r only guideline if ur heart feels drawn to a certain response then by all means go with that. But plz let's all love and respect eachother. anyone acting negative will only reveal ur own heart for all of us to see. So everyone humble urself and let's do this. GOD WINS love u all
Thanks for that it really does help. Never forget to give all glory to God. Trump is only a vessile for God. He is not better or worse just what God needed for this time. I love trump and he has done alot in me and same with Q but they both r just slivers of Gods full plan. Thank them but dont give up ur own power find strength in urself always first
Hey and I just re read my last message and notice something I didnt mean to do but with ur humble loving way u reacted to it made me see my mistake. I came across kinda seeming like I was correcting u when I was trying to. I appreciate u seeing my heart and intent of my words for there truth. Sometimes I see or feel need to bring things full circle back to us and most importantly power of God. And its best to talk to person rather than using broad things so its obvious who it's meant for and no feelings get hurt. U had an already powerful message where its obvious it come back to GOD. But I dont feel any judgement from u about it because ur response was to just give God it all and nothing else. I know it might now seem like a big deal but I just wanted u to know.