Biden just installed his deep state Sec of Defense yesterday. Can anyone answer how the military is going to save us when Lloyd Austin is now calling the shots? I'm not military and I'm not being snarky. This is a legitimate question that kept me up all night. Thank you in advance for your thoughts.
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Okay, so it is my understanding that the SOD controls the military. Will the Pentagon, Joint Chiefs of Staff, the Generals and other military higher ups just ignore his orders and keep him out of the loop if he was placed there by Biden? How does this work? How is the military able to save us with him in charge?
He is an empty suit...a placeholder. The DoD only takes orders from who they consider is Constitutionally in place to give them...Remember, this is a "soft coup", the "leaders" in D.C. are not in charge is all optics...
Thank you. I do feel much better now.
Take a deep breath, it is all just theater...on a very grand scale...
Are you a moron? Go directly to their page. " The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff is the principal military adviser to the President, Secretary of Defense, and the National Security Council (NSC), however, all JCS members are by law military advisers, and they may respond to a request or voluntarily submit, through the Chairman, advice or opinions to the President, the Secretary of Defense, or NSC." Yes, keep trusting your plan without question you fucking moron - logical and critical thinking is beyond your brain's skill set. ?♀️