She whined and said I know..I told her she may get a chance to redeem herself soon..I still have much red pilling to do w her. But since the nursing home screwed me and were getting kicked out of my family home I didnt push I may need to move to Florida w her. Damn Pennsylvania and their screwed up uc site..just tried to file..telling me I have to wait a week to file wtf..its been 4 weeks no money deadline to file w o waiting 6 weeks us friday..ugh. guess I'll be her bodyguard in florida now!
She whined and said I know..I told her she may get a chance to redeem herself soon..I still have much red pilling to do w her. But since the nursing home screwed me and were getting kicked out of my family home I didnt push I may need to move to Florida w her. Damn Pennsylvania and their screwed up uc site..just tried to file..telling me I have to wait a week to file wtf..its been 4 weeks no money deadline to file w o waiting 6 weeks us friday..ugh. guess I'll be her bodyguard in florida now!