He may be the "rock" upon which the church was founded upon but the one in whom all worship of the church is directed to is Jesus. Last I checked he was crucified right-side up.
Also, the Bible mentions no papacy or position of pope; the Catholic (meaning "universal") church was, is, and will be a man-made institution for the purposes of deifying man (prayers to saints, sainthood, authority of office). The Roman pagans couldn't beat them (literally, see Nero and others) so they joined them. Look at all the pagan influences. That is why the Protestant reformists emphasized the 5 solae: sola scriptura, sola fide, sola gratia, solus Christus, soli Deo gloria. The practices of the Catholic church runs AGAINST scripture and supersedes it in many instances (kinda like the Jews and their Talmudic [Rabbinic] practices which also isn't up to scriptural standards).
So the nun and priest teaching me religion in school both lied that he himself decided to be crucified upside down along with HUNDREDS of other sources?
You grossly misunderstood. Read the first two sentences again.
And yes, it is historically correct that Peter was crucified upside down. Still doesn't change the fact that it conflicts with Christian monotheistic doctrine: why is the "seat of power" emblazoned with "Peter's cross" (if you can even call it that)? Is the church Peter's or God's? Dedicated to Peter or God?
Or maybe just Peter, the first Pope, who was crucified upside down on his own will?
I'm an atheist, but just saying.
He may be the "rock" upon which the church was founded upon but the one in whom all worship of the church is directed to is Jesus. Last I checked he was crucified right-side up.
Also, the Bible mentions no papacy or position of pope; the Catholic (meaning "universal") church was, is, and will be a man-made institution for the purposes of deifying man (prayers to saints, sainthood, authority of office). The Roman pagans couldn't beat them (literally, see Nero and others) so they joined them. Look at all the pagan influences. That is why the Protestant reformists emphasized the 5 solae: sola scriptura, sola fide, sola gratia, solus Christus, soli Deo gloria. The practices of the Catholic church runs AGAINST scripture and supersedes it in many instances (kinda like the Jews and their Talmudic [Rabbinic] practices which also isn't up to scriptural standards).
So the nun and priest teaching me religion in school both lied that he himself decided to be crucified upside down along with HUNDREDS of other sources?
You grossly misunderstood. Read the first two sentences again.
And yes, it is historically correct that Peter was crucified upside down. Still doesn't change the fact that it conflicts with Christian monotheistic doctrine: why is the "seat of power" emblazoned with "Peter's cross" (if you can even call it that)? Is the church Peter's or God's? Dedicated to Peter or God?