So in the photo above I have cropped the final frame before the cut, and then the frame after the cut. Within a split second, half the audience disappears or sits down. Biden is gone. The wind has stopped. And brown jacket hasn't moved more than a step...
What’s with the folders like the one Bernie was holding? I rewatched the inauguration and I saw quite a few people with the same style folder. Almost like they were given out like at Bush Sr funeral.
I don’t think this is the live stream, I belive a cut has been made. I remeber a pause at that moment. I was waiting for Bidens speech and he was just sitting there, so I was thinking he had forgotten he had a speech coming. Then after a long pause Klobuchar introduced him. But I’m intrigued, the wind shouldn’t just stop. And also I was impressed by his speech. From extremely low expectations, but still.
wind can come and go in a seconds, I still think the inauguration was a fake(damn I made a post with the proofs myself some days ago), but I think that the other proofs with changed shoes, ppl not in frames or moving in less than 1 sec etc.. were a bit more compelling.
I'm not here to argue with you, and I didn't start this "judgment" thing you accusing me of. I expressed my opinion, do with it whatever you want, as I'll do with yours. But don't try start a fight with ppl here, we should all be on the same side.
The point is, the cut scene was a split second. And in that split second everyone went from standing to sitting. The flags went from almost fully extended to completely still... this is not a live broadcast
Pretty interesting. When they say Ladies and Gentlemen, please be seated. The camera changes to a wider angle. In the split second I saw a man suddenly appear at the podium with the woman. One door in the back was open when both were closed. No wind. Nice catch!!! The sudden appearance of the man at the podium is what stood out.
My buddy thinks it might be tape delayed, because they do that during live events. I on the other hand think there might have been 2 fake Inaugurations filmed. One on a cloudy day, and one on a sunny day. If you haven't seen this video supposedly filmed during the Inauguration on the 20th, there seems to be a stage built in front of the Capital. And the overcast overcast is cloudy.
So in the photo above I have cropped the final frame before the cut, and then the frame after the cut. Within a split second, half the audience disappears or sits down. Biden is gone. The wind has stopped. And brown jacket hasn't moved more than a step...
What. The. Fuck.
Video for reference
Time stamp
oh sna nice catch
door open.
9:34 Door is closed.
9:37 Door is open.
Weird transition and awkward pause.
What’s with the folders like the one Bernie was holding? I rewatched the inauguration and I saw quite a few people with the same style folder. Almost like they were given out like at Bush Sr funeral.
I don’t think this is the live stream, I belive a cut has been made. I remeber a pause at that moment. I was waiting for Bidens speech and he was just sitting there, so I was thinking he had forgotten he had a speech coming. Then after a long pause Klobuchar introduced him. But I’m intrigued, the wind shouldn’t just stop. And also I was impressed by his speech. From extremely low expectations, but still.
I think they are sitting, I seem to see them still between the balcony
So they sat down or disappeared, and the wind completely stopped within the time she took 1 step?
wind can come and go in a seconds, I still think the inauguration was a fake(damn I made a post with the proofs myself some days ago), but I think that the other proofs with changed shoes, ppl not in frames or moving in less than 1 sec etc.. were a bit more compelling.
So pretty much exactly what I said (plus the wind), and you clearly didn't watch the video or read my full comment before making a judgement?
I see the people in the frames you posted...they are sitting. Chill a bit.
I'm not here to argue with you, and I didn't start this "judgment" thing you accusing me of. I expressed my opinion, do with it whatever you want, as I'll do with yours. But don't try start a fight with ppl here, we should all be on the same side.
The point is, the cut scene was a split second. And in that split second everyone went from standing to sitting. The flags went from almost fully extended to completely still... this is not a live broadcast
Pretty interesting. When they say Ladies and Gentlemen, please be seated. The camera changes to a wider angle. In the split second I saw a man suddenly appear at the podium with the woman. One door in the back was open when both were closed. No wind. Nice catch!!! The sudden appearance of the man at the podium is what stood out.
And biden has sat down. All in a fraction of a second... this was not a live stream. No possible way
My buddy thinks it might be tape delayed, because they do that during live events. I on the other hand think there might have been 2 fake Inaugurations filmed. One on a cloudy day, and one on a sunny day. If you haven't seen this video supposedly filmed during the Inauguration on the 20th, there seems to be a stage built in front of the Capital. And the overcast overcast is cloudy.
Removed. Off topic. This content would be more suitable for Thank you for understanding.