Proud autist here! I’ve seen people connect the fox three missile drops with the Hawaii false alarm before, but this noted Assange tweet is the missing link that truly ties it all together!
To summarize:
Q drops 365 & 366 discuss ‘fox three’ in context of a missile launch. (Dec 18 2017)
Assange posts chess board from famous match* where next move is Queen to F3. (Jan 12, 2018) [*match winner is Capablanca = ‘White Hat’ lol]
Jan 13, 2018 (the very next day!) is the Hawaiian fake missile alert!
So, drops 365/366 associate fox three w a false missile launch —> Assange hints at fox three with Queen (Q) to F3 —> one day later the Hawaii crisis occurs!
If that’s not a Q proof, I don’t know what is.
Other thoughts: This also seems to confirm that Assange is a White Hat. Connection to John Trump? (Look at pic comparison.) The aforementioned drops also mention the word ‘Splash’ both times. Maybe bc Hawaii is an island? There is a Tom Hanks film ‘Splash’ that may be one clue, but I feel like there’s something deeper to it. Already ruled out (reported) NK missile tests that week.
Good call, I’ll try and calculate it later! I know the alert went out at 8:07am local time
Me too, I was there for it. lol