I think this lines up with what we are seeing. The cabal clearly wants the NG in DC, why? It doesn't take 25,000+ NG to stop a few hundred like there was on 1/6. And why keep them there well into March? Something much bigger is afoot.
I think the military would think twice about killing NG in a takeover and I think that makes sense as to why the NG is really there and why we have not seen the military move in. And now the cabal wants to keep the NG there indefinitely. The NG is unwittingly being used to protect the corrupt elites.
Bannon, I think, has slyly been asking the question as to why DC is like the green zone in Iraq. He is pushing to get FL or TX Governors to disclose what the actual threat is. I don't think this is random curiousity but a specific tactic to draw them out.
If my theory is correct, then the military option is still on the table. They are just biding their time for the right moment. I think that explains the confident demeanor of Trump and several of his close allies and the desperation from Pelosi et al.
Military will never be used against military in this country. At least not effectively. They would actually turn on the dictator first. During the Obama admin a poll was taken among some of the top brass, it asked them would they be able to turn on the citizens if something where to happen and they were ordered to. The push back on it was astronomical. They knew military for DS takeover would never be an option. They have slowly tried to change the military from the inside out but they haven’t accomplished it enough to attempt anything at this stage. They are truly up against the wall. There only chance of a full take over is a true invasion coupled with ANTIFA. Good fucking luck with that. Like another said the turning the back on the brigade is prob the biggest eye opener that something isn’t right. Military tradition prohibits that behavior in uniform. You are allowed to rally, protest, and even voice concerns on social media as long as it falls into the realm of being appropriate. You can not however do it in uniform. The NG is prob the only branch not nearly as committed to the chain of command as active they have a lot more out of military uniform to see what is really going on in the world. And would actually make it the worst branch to protect such a crooked group of people. A lot of the things going on in the word I actually get from NG or other reservists. I think them seeing real world and military mixed shows them the bigger picture.