There are connections between Q and the Secret Space Program in. Its existence was acknowledged in Q2225. A person who patented what essentially looks like a TR-3B ( goes by the name "St Clair John Q".
Seeing that GEOTUS created the Space Force, which is according to some people an attempt to transfer Secret Space Program/Solar Warden assets into the public domain and begin declassifying the technologies, is it too far-fetched to say that the President is currently staying on a classified space ship or station?
What could be some connections between CASTLE_ROCK and other (endgame-related) drops, the SSP/Solar Warden, NASA, astronauts and space and astronomy in general?
TR-3B is 1970s tech. The patent is probably soft disclosure. The current craft are much more advanced.
I’ll have to read more into it. I was thinking of the effects orbit has on organs like the heart
If Trump is in space he's probably either in a centrifuge or in artificial gravity imho.