When I say before the fact I mean, before biden got into the white house ,or before it was offical with the electoral votes. After that happened its clear that Noone has a clue as to what is going to happen or when. One theory is a s good as the next as long as its plausible.
Yes I know it was all fraud I just mean that as far as the normal person is concerned they think that bined won. I don't but whatever
When I say before the fact I mean, before biden got into the white house ,or before it was offical with the electoral votes. After that happened its clear that Noone has a clue as to what is going to happen or when. One theory is a s good as the next as long as its plausible.
Yes I know it was all fraud I just mean that as far as the normal person is concerned they think that bined won. I don't but whatever