MITT ROMNEYS - mormon religion! Yes it’s a cult and yes he wants to destroy America!
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Apparently you didn’t read my posts on the thread. I have no problem with your church, all I did was post a video about something that I felt was interesting I wanna people I know about that’s it. I’ve stated several times in the thread that I don’t care either way. I’m just putting information out there for people to make decisions on their own. I don’t have questions about the church, I’ve already studied up on the church, and please read my note that I put into the thread earlier. I think it will answer your questions!
– ThisIsHowItStarts [S] 3 hours ago +1 / -1 This post is not to disparage any one who is Mormon! I believe there are MANY who attend that church who truly love the Lord, and are good people. HOWEVER, like the video says - these rituals are for ONLY those who FOLLOW ALL OF THE RULES , and prove themselves worthy! This is how secret societies work. In defense of those who attend The Mormon church, I am pretty sure most people don’t know anything about the ceremonies! Don’t take it out on me, because of what the Mormon church - does in secret! Talk to them about it. I’m just exposing the truth. You do with it what you want to!
Nonsense. EVERY church has some rituals of symbolism. Following your definition of Cult, every church is therefore a cult. The communion could be considered a cultish practice. As could a hundred other rituals dozens of other churches engage in. BTW there aren't secret rituals, thus you are seeing them on youtube. ANYONE who wishes to can enter into our temples are make important covenants with God. You must prepare yourself through baptism, becoming a member, etc. Symbolism is important in any religion as it is in our own. If you would like to learn the truth about the covenants we actually take upon ourselves as followers as Christ within our temples, then I will refer you to the 'official' church website. Getting information about our religion from someone who is either an antagonist or spiteful of us, is like going to the Nazis for the truth about the Jews...
RE Mitt Romney:
While he may be a current member of our church, if he is convicted of fraud or worse, he will most certainly be held accountable. I would imagine he will face excommunication. I don't like him, I didn't vote for him, and I think he is a two-faced politician who is currently trying to hide Ukranian secrets that he doesn't want to see the light of day...