Who to trust?
I have a business. I have a family. I really want to disconnect from politics yet trust someone to tell me what to do politically. Is that even possible? I just can't continue checking so many sources trying to figure out what is what.
So who do you trust?
If you want to live in a self-governing constitutional democratic republic, then you have to be involved politically.
I too used to chose to be uninformed, rather than misinformed, for years until 2020. Now I realize that I cannot do that, or evil people will take over. I used to believe that if evil people got into public office, that the constitution is the final fail safe to protect me, but that was an ignorant opinion to have.
Lessons learned the hard way.
You either get to live in not-so-blissful ignorance under tyranny and you become politically active in a self-governed society.
I know it sucks, and require time and energy, but you have to do it buddy, or you get the shit show sitting in DC right now.