Removed. Off topic. This content would be more suitable for If you'd like to discuss posts that talk about the WIN's message, let's discuss that with the mod team first, pls. We want to be sure to be giving clear messaging to our userbase. Thank you for understanding.
Our job as digital soldiers is to share this type of information. It is absolutely relevant if the Biden administration is part of the plan to wake people up. So stop censoring this information like twitter and reddit is doing.
Removed. Off topic. This content would be more suitable for If you'd like to discuss posts that talk about the WIN's message, let's discuss that with the mod team first, pls. We want to be sure to be giving clear messaging to our userbase. Thank you for understanding.
Our job as digital soldiers is to share this type of information. It is absolutely relevant if the Biden administration is part of the plan to wake people up. So stop censoring this information like twitter and reddit is doing.