First of all - I do not anticipate a lot of you to take this at face value. I am a long-term poster who, for security and job-protection reasons had to create a new account and have learned some things that I felt like I needed to relate to this community.
Second - a little bit about me. I am a civil servant (non-political appointee) at a cabinet level agency. As a non-political appointee I am in the group who go to keep our jobs during the “transition”. Traditionally political employees are immediately fired on transitions day and replaced. I won’t say which agency but that it isn’t one you’d think would be involved in intelligence and surveillance but has surprisingly larger influence than you’d think.
Third - pre transition there was a TREMENDOUS amount of political appointees converted to civil service. This means personnel who would automatically be fired are now protected and cannot be fired without cause and any mass firing of this group of people would create a major publicity issue for the Biden administration. I have reason to believe the people converted were converted for specific reasons, specifically to finish very important existing work that cannot be disrupted.
I do not know Q, I do not claim to know Q, I don’t even know if Q is one person or a group of people but I DO KNOW for CERTAIN that the intelligence leaked as part of this has been real and that high level officials I interact with consistently have confirmed. Some of them worried about the disclosure, some of them very pleased.
The primary thing I wanted to communicate is that there was a major pivot post January 6th. The Capitol protest did nothing to help the cause we all believe in. The MSM and unfortunately the large proportion of people they influence were shaken by this. As such any large scale operations at or around Inauguration Day that would have been planned were impacted by the public perception of this coming after what looked like a small minority of protestors. A key point has always been that the public at large has to understand and accept the legitimacy of the storm when it comes, otherwise they will reject and install the same establishment that led us where we are. Jan 6 did a lot of damage to this cause.
What I can say is that things are still moving significant behind the scenes and good people are pulling the stings that matter. I do not know if Biden will remain as a figurehead President - I think it will depend on how far along the populace becomes in understanding the truth. But either way he is hardly in charge. The mass conversion of political appointees has ensured that the good guys remain in control of the positions that matter (and those positions aren’t what you’d think). He can install whoever he wants at DoJ or CIA and it won’t matter. The hard work that Patriots in the government and military are doing will go on undeterred.
So my point is remain hopeful, watch for things under the radar. The current administration will make visible splashy policy moves but it is all theater.
I hope to share more if I have access to it and I can be sure it does not endanger my safety.
Stay strong
I believe him. Trust until I have a reason to not trust.
As an aside, Reading other comments I can see that the onslaught of shills has achieved its objective.
Be better anons. Manipulation IS warfare.
He's manipulating you into believing the people that came on jan 6th did a bad thing. You are being manipulated into a possible future argument with people that showed on jan 6th. You'd think "it was a bad thing" when jan 6th comes up. You now have a seed of division.
Is that reason enough for you? he gave nothing, but planted a dark seed in you. Shill 101. read the CIA manual normie
I want to be crystal clear on Jan 6. I am not saying it was a “bad thing”. I am saying if it was planned by Patriots (and not a leftist psyop) then it did not go down as planned and the reaction to it led to a pivot of strategy). Anyone who went there with good intentions is a Patriot and a fighter and deserves our respect. I am simply saying that fall out from that led to shifts in timing, tactics and operations that likely disappointed a lot of people. What I am trying to do is relate what I know to explain that and say that the good guys’ machine is still chugging
"nobody saw it coming!" you guys really should spend more time with us.
anybody perusing the boards knew exactly what to expect Jan 6 and how to exploit it. our President asked them to come. they went at enormous expense in time, money, effort. but Trump deescalated - giving a low energy speech and putting distance between the crowd and the planted thugs waiting at the Capitol.
so glowies created and filmed "terrorizing" moments they now can play on a loop to normies. as if the MSM is more evil January 7th than they were January 5th.
yeah, not buying the 'public perception' bit -- we are the vast majority public.
If only it were all that simple