The Federal Reserve Banking Act of 1913 under President Wilson was viewed as a way to allow professionals to control the printing of money, to avoid runaway inflation. The world was on the verge of WW I and Germany was on the verge of bankruptcy from inflationary practices. The Great Depression then created an erratic Stock Market so the 1933 Act under President Roosevelt gave more power to the Federal Reserve. Roosevelt was a Jew and had great respect for Jewish bankers. Once given the power to print US dollars and lend them out to US banks or the US government, the bankers in charge of the Federal Reserve found a way to enslave the US in debt slavery. Loan the USA its own dollars and demand payback with interest.
The banking industry is hugely profitable. At every step of the way they make money. First, by controlling the Federal Reserve, they get to create money by running the virtual printing presses. This is a pen stroke, or a toggle switch, for the bankers. Then the Federal Reserve loans this money out to banks, and these loans must be repaid with interest. These banks are allowed to create loans to consumers at 5X the original loan from the Federal Reserve, once again money from thin air. All these loans are then repaid with interest by consumers. The Federal Reserve is allowed to print money from thin air, the banks expand this, and get it returned with interest.
Why was it necessary to have 65,000 National Guard troops in DC on January 20, Inauguration Day? This was an invasion of DC by troops loyal to President Trump, reporting to President Trump directly. Consider the nexus between the foreign control of the 2020 election process, and the foreign ownership of the National Debt, and President Trump's EOs wherein he allows seizure of assets if foreign interference with the election process is discovered. This means DC, and specifically the Treasury, has changed hands.
President Trump and the true Republic of the US now owns the Treasury, which resides in DC, so there is no more National Debt owed to foreign entities. This is a huge loss of assets for the Cabal. This is not the NESARA claim. The funds given to banks to manage will be federal funds, not Federal Reserve funds, and thus the interest rate can be dropped to banks, and their interest rate also reduced to actual expenses. No more rich bankers. Since these are federal funds, any education loans can be interest free. The Khazarians will be stripped of their income.
I legit think what he has done is sued the US and or somehow file for bankruptcy. I came across a lawsuit that would suggest this. I think it’s in the Supreme Court? I’ve read so many documents I don’t even know anymore what I have read. ?
This is just my theory. What do you do when your in so much debt you file bankruptcy. It gives you 7 years to fix your shit get yourself back on track before you can pull funds from anywhere. So essentially they would have to obsolve their income back into the economy to redistribute the budget we do have. Which means they won’t be millionaires anymore off the populations dime.
This whole plan if you look at it is to fix literally everything with fixing it from the top and the bottom.
I really like this. Trump would be the perfect guy to handle a bankruptcy this large.