ThomasMaker 2 points ago +3 / -1

Bleary-eyed and tired makes for poor posting decisions, so I'm calling it a night........

ThomasMaker 1 point ago +1 / -0

They're either helpful, or they expose themselves and are discarded loosing all credibility and political relevance(and likely prosecuted, we just haven't to that stage with some of the less relevant but more visible ones).

Regardless of how things play out, so far it has always played out with a net gain....

ThomasMaker 1 point ago +1 / -0

A pitbull can be very useful with the right owner....


Directable Bellum...............

ThomasMaker 1 point ago +1 / -0

Some decent points...


So Donald Trump has selected JD Vance.

I want you to keep in mind. This is not the final VP pick. Remember, during the debate D. Trump said one other VP pick would be there watching and he was. But not only that he told you all stay tuned for more surprises. Not to mention I gave you a rundown with his role as a young protégé of Peter Thiel who we know does not like D. Trump. Because only hard-core but clueless Patriots would understand why D. Trump chose JD Vance.

What would be their reasons?

• JD Vance was holding fundraisers for Jan-6th prisoners.

• He is pro 2nd Amendment.

• JD Vance liked Adrew Jackson defiance of the Supreme Court.

• He wanted to overturn the 2020 election results.

• He is a marine coros veteran.

• He is crypto friendly.

• JD Vance supports firing mid-level bureaucrats replacing them with loyalists.

• JD Vance is also supported by Steve Bannon.

• JD Vance was against giving Ukraine more money.

This all looks good on paper. But none of this makes him a good guy. Because we have people in government who play both sides. Which is why this selection makes the Deep State a little comfortable for now. And it definitely throws them off. Because we know JD Vance has a lot of skeletons in his closet.


Did you know JD Vance ran the company Ambrosia? The start up to harvest the blood of the young. Think (Adr•n•chr•me) I stated before many people were taken out back for two reasons. One some never returned. Two the ones who did were given a new playbook to abide by or risk having their reputation ruined.

This process to choose a VP is not over. It just cools things down a bit to keep the Cabal at ease because they know July 18th D. Trump officially gets security briefings. So maybe they were thrown a bone to hush the barking for a bit. As they have all the worries in the world to be concerned about. Everything becomes official at the RNC. So allow this to play out. Because D. Trump already told you he has more surprises coming.

ThomasMaker 14 points ago +16 / -2

So far, has ANYTHING failed to play out in a way that turned out to be a good thing.....

just saying...................

ThomasMaker 1 point ago +1 / -0

Aggressive psychologies/personalities(not the same as emotions...) don't get ptsd....

ThomasMaker 0 points ago +1 / -1

Biden double is controlled by white hats(and not senile btw.), however current Dem administration is not under their control.

"time to put Trump in the sights" was the WH double letting whitehats know and warning them of the the Dem's plans....

ThomasMaker -6 points ago +4 / -10

People wanting information, doing nothing to attain said information, wanting others to spoon-feed them the 'highlights'....

Might as well go back to watching CNN with that mentality....

ThomasMaker 1 point ago +4 / -3

https://qanon.pub/#3456 https://qanon.pub/#3457

Name of the posted picture


The Google Books search result

Wednesday(717...) & Thursday should be interesting....

ThomasMaker 3 points ago +3 / -0

Ukraine never signed any papers or declared themselves a sovereign state in the early 90's so this is accurate, according to all legal definitions of international law(and likely Russian/Ukraiine law as well) Putin IS the President of Ukraine......

ThomasMaker 4 points ago +4 / -0

Gives an idea about what to look for and how................

ThomasMaker 3 points ago +3 / -0

Get a cheap CD/DVD burner, likely minimum lifespan of media 50-100 years(likely much longer) and 100% EMP proof....

Keep what you use on USB's and external HD's, back it up on CD/DVD..

Also cheap enough to have a backup to the backup of your backup.....

ThomasMaker 1 point ago +1 / -0

Trump is also from a Royal blood-line....

ThomasMaker 4 points ago +4 / -0

Short of the peace sign, so far I haven't found any pictures of him flashing any other symbols(not even by adding the word illuminati to the search on several search-engines).....

..cautiously optimistic

ThomasMaker 1 point ago +1 / -0

Dude will fall from grace and be exposed, Farage's bank accounts were seized quite a while back and he is being hung out to dry.

This muppet is no different, still a part of the show, unfortunately there are many parts of the show that will be horrible and that HAVE TO BE horrible....

'Easy' and 'comfortable' is not how you wake people up....

ThomasMaker 1 point ago +1 / -0

Doubt idiot is the reason, fear and self protection is a much more likely reason...

Their loudest voices tend to be the ones with the most to hide and loose...........

ThomasMaker 2 points ago +2 / -0

DS paytriot, through and through.....

ThomasMaker 1 point ago +1 / -0

And here is Flynn is talking about another Kennedy event



ThomasMaker 1 point ago +1 / -0

Frigging Rumble heel-dragging, didn't set it to private but they have it listed as 'ready to share. monetization pending...'

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