I spent like 40 minutes looking into this and even found full articles about it where people have no clue but the best guess was some kind of audio obscuring and audio recording devices. Like the center ones might block long distance listening methods while the little ones allow them to talk through the disturbance.
Here's a pic of Obama and Susan Rice inside one
this is apparently the actual SCIF of Trump's at Mar-a-lago
not as many screens as my basement :/
Not hatin', just sayin'.
not as many women as my basement :/
looks like they're watching something grim
Indeed. That was my first thought. Something serious. The son-n-law looks to be wanting to withdraw.
What are those devices on the desk in front of everyone?
They are game pads. Its actually just a LAN party
I spent like 40 minutes looking into this and even found full articles about it where people have no clue but the best guess was some kind of audio obscuring and audio recording devices. Like the center ones might block long distance listening methods while the little ones allow them to talk through the disturbance.
Just for signatures. Instead of passing around the forms, they have them sign those. Your bank has them.
Is that Scavino with his back to the camera and a red folder in front of him?