I get what you’re saying, but as with Bezos, why give money to someone who is working against you. By supporting Amazon you’re giving him more money to work against the cause. Musk is taking tax dollars. Maybe he is using them for good, but nothing suggests that he is.
morally if u believe u shouldn't don't that's fine. It is objectively a really good service lol. if there was a dope competitor that came close cool! (eBay sorta but amazon does a LOT more) do you think the competitor would get the same favoritism as Amazon from the govt. if it was openly conservative?
His red pilled posted suggest he isn't on their good side AND leaving cali. Musk gets tax BREAKS/CREDITS. thats not taking dollars. thats not GIVING dollars. it helps a business stay afloat with up front capitol while in its start up likely unprofitable years. Trump did this idea with suspended payroll tax during covid so ppl could keep their money before the govt. took it right out of their paycheck.
things to read to understand economics. Sowell, Mises, Milton, etc.
I’m not talking about the tax breaks. I’m talking about subsidies. I’m very well read on economics.
Walmart is a pretty conservative company and if they were as focused as Amazon on online at the same time I think they would be pretty equal. They’re not much smaller now by certain measures. By certain measures they’re bigger.
Idk what those subsidies did. there's various kinds. i was only aware of tax incentives.
sure but you have to go to wal-mart. amazon goes to you. its way more convenient for ppl especially those say over 55 who would be more at risk of covid exposure. all im saying is thats just the common sense corralled conclusions ppl were given.
I get what you’re saying, but as with Bezos, why give money to someone who is working against you. By supporting Amazon you’re giving him more money to work against the cause. Musk is taking tax dollars. Maybe he is using them for good, but nothing suggests that he is.
morally if u believe u shouldn't don't that's fine. It is objectively a really good service lol. if there was a dope competitor that came close cool! (eBay sorta but amazon does a LOT more) do you think the competitor would get the same favoritism as Amazon from the govt. if it was openly conservative?
His red pilled posted suggest he isn't on their good side AND leaving cali. Musk gets tax BREAKS/CREDITS. thats not taking dollars. thats not GIVING dollars. it helps a business stay afloat with up front capitol while in its start up likely unprofitable years. Trump did this idea with suspended payroll tax during covid so ppl could keep their money before the govt. took it right out of their paycheck.
things to read to understand economics. Sowell, Mises, Milton, etc.
I’m not talking about the tax breaks. I’m talking about subsidies. I’m very well read on economics.
Walmart is a pretty conservative company and if they were as focused as Amazon on online at the same time I think they would be pretty equal. They’re not much smaller now by certain measures. By certain measures they’re bigger.
Idk what those subsidies did. there's various kinds. i was only aware of tax incentives.
sure but you have to go to wal-mart. amazon goes to you. its way more convenient for ppl especially those say over 55 who would be more at risk of covid exposure. all im saying is thats just the common sense corralled conclusions ppl were given.
Walmart is right behind Amazon as far as online retail goes. They're not quite as big as Amazon online, but they're close.