posted ago by RighteousWeed ago by RighteousWeed +2 / -1

Ok, this is speculation, but to understand any of what i'm saying, you're going to have to take the time to listen to some of the stuff for yourself... that's a link to his videos... he's an EXTREMELY important person, evidently. I had heard this story for a couple decades... NEVER gave it much thought... then, when all this darkness started to happen, i started to remember stuff with a haze.. so i sought out the source directly, figuratively. Warning, it is not the most exciting of stuff. My suggestion, watch war-castles in order 1-end... pay most attention to War-Castles-9... then end, then start at 1 if you like. There is a ton of info, i mean damn... and it is a LOT to get your head around... just watch it through and it'll start to click a tiny bit... My point here is, Q posts, some of them, have this whole quantum-syntax-grammer style to it... This dude also talks of quantum banking, etc. etc. I am not here to sway anyone in any direction. I just think, in this darkness, people are hungry and not sure where to find food... i am merely here to hold a light to your feet so you can see the path in order to walk it... if you want that or not, is fine with me. Odd, i'm crazy stoked and eerily calm inside all of a sudden. I dunno, maybe i am wrong... Q is a group of less than 10, mostly military... we know some of them: Q, Q+. We know Vegas was a hit gone wrong on the SA Prince that aligned against MBS and had the royals locked down, SA style, in a Ritz Carlton. We know, Seth Rich was murdered, as was Scalia We know Roberts got his kids via nefarious means and is compromised. We know there is Fuckery afoot with Faux-tus and company We think we know that the USA corp is bankrupt and dissolved We know Trump had a plan and something, probably a dirty bomb, caused a pause. We speculate the military is in control just check out Robert-Jay:Gould videos and judge for yourself. Hold the line Anons God Wins