In our new world NOT new world order we won’t have to figure out how to game the system for fame, fortune, status, ego stroking, friend idol worshipping, etcetera.
No need to bang our head nightly trying to figure out what’s best for the masses so they’ll be barely satisfied in meaningless pursuits and most importantly compliant beings who fall in line when called upon to do so.
Everyone’s reality is gonna shatter. Yea but I have a PhD therefore my logic insulates me from uneducated humans. Does it really? Who determined IQ levels or what it even insinuates or automatically elevates their logical conclusions superior to most?
We all have our individual life stories and the bubble world we live in is shaped by how we perceive the actions of others towards us and how we fit in the big world.
Why should there be hostility for pointing out a contradictory viewpoint which destroys your assumption based lifelong created reality as you determine it to be true?
The human tragedy which is about to be exposed whether we like it or not is just how fragile and insecure each of us are due to our confidence and self esteem being built upon external validations of who we are.
We can adjust and we will and it’s not a race. If you’ve been through a divorce I sure hope it wasn’t a race to remarry. Whatever tragedy or trauma experienced no need to quickly recover. Each has to decide their own pace.
During this transitional period we should avoid as much of possible chanting ‘mea culpa’. We’ve been duped and now it’s our time to shine and thrive rather than merely survive. Each and everyone of our human souls with unique and quirky identities.
It’s never been about the clicks, cliques or chicks with....
I don't know someone stole my shoe the other day. Just one left the other now that might be right up there with urs.