Feeling sick right about now..deception deception deception
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Curious as to why you would prefer one of the modern versions, many of which change the underlying doctrine/teaching to comport with modern (sick) morals and Newspeak, over one where translators worked to render the true meaning of the text, albeit in the language form of that day which, granted, takes effort for us to understand. I would rather have the truth in archaic grammar than easy-to-understand lies. It is not the translation per sé that is venerated, it is the truth that is venerated. It would be great if we could get the Scriptures in "this centuries [sic] language," but it is very difficult to find both of those in the same volume. But then, that's my trust issue . . .
What if we are seeing bad vs. evil? I saw a video back when the Bush Sr funeral was in the news that stated that there is white and black magic, two sides of the same coin...I think I now have a better understanding
I felt the same the moment I read it a few months ago. But for the most part this seems a bit quack to me.
Trump didn't pull out of the Paris agreement because of "NESARA"; he pulled out because it was an abject fuckery of an "agreement". The supposed prosperity of Paris Agreement = Nesara is a one sided prosperity; America would get fleeced.
Reincarnation isn't really something that's accepted in the bible, so the Saint Germain being Trump thing doesn't hold water.
For one, I applaud finding things for yourself, just exercise some caution, and always hold Jesus and God above everything else regardless of what happens.
Just a warning that what's been taught in the church for a couple centuries takes on a new meaning in todays world.
Go away, Retard.