That flag there is the actual flag of the Republic of The United States of America. It was surrendered in 1871 with the creation of Washington DC as one of the 3 pillars of power (DC, Vatican City, London) and can be identified by the damn obalisks... Washington monument, another one in the middle of Vatican City, and another in London (too lazy to get the precise location on google maps)). This flag of Our Republic, was rescued in 1999 by (this is not Doxxing, its public knowledge) Robert-Jay:Gould.... please look into it for yourself... watch War-Castles-9, the watch war-castles-end, then start at 1 and go thru the rest.... Important points here, the fact that his first contract was with the Navy... then look at buffalo horn guy disclosure.... Everyone remembers him, right??? we saw him and a few others posing in front of a green screen... we've seen vids of him at antifa rallys, etc. did you see the pic of him with Rudy G???? won't let me paste in the pic but the post was shown in here today, just look for it. I come from the Kim Clement side of things. I am a Q follower, meaning i look into the crumbs that were dropped and believe Q is a real thing not a LARP. Ok, so, if I'm reading everything right, we are in the time of "2 Presidents"... it's a Kim thing... Biden, is President (title for the head of a corporation, the gold fringe flag the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA), Trump is the Duly Elected Commander in Chief of The Republic of The United States of America... THAT'S WHY Trump said he'd be back in one form or another. I believe Robert-Jay:Gould will surrender the flag of the republic to Trump as the DULY ELECTED head of the Republic of The United States of America. I believe R-J:G will aid in writing our constitution in the proper Quantum-Syntax-Grammar, and aid in instilling the Quantum-Banking system, which is Gold backed and fraud free (we'll see on that one). As for the medical advancements Buffalo Horn Guy talked about.... dude, just go back in time... they have had the cure for what hurts you for close to 100 years... look it up, a newspaper front page from early 1900's, may have been 1920's... but the title on the front page was "The end of sickness". any bacteria or virus, when exposed to different frequencies of light will glow like white under a black light... this light frequency is then matched with a sound frequency on the same wavelength, and the subject is immersed in Sound frequency that would kill the virus or bacteria... or look at T-cells from your own fat cells... super cheap, super easy, and can literally re-grow teeth, organs, etc. - was even on oprah WAY WAY BACK. as for other technologies... Telsa holds a patent for a floating house... patent office didn't want to give him a patent for it, made him attach it to the ground using a rope in his application... then they granted him a patent.... as an amusement ride. "The key to ascension is a circle within a circle, the outer circle moving clockwise and the inner circle moving counter clockwise".. or, what of Tesla being able to use a radio to attract a frequency enough to freely power an electric motor installed in a car such that the quiet car drove 90mph in the 20's.... because of a 6ft antenna, knowledge to attract a frequency, capture and use it to then power an electric motor that powered a car.... or, what of Stanley Meyer, guy who first made a car that used water as a fuel source... using a 12volt charge of electricity to separate hydrogen from oxygen... he used pulses of electricity, most modern HHO users don't use pulsed energy which is why they add KOH to their water, as opposed to purified water that Stanley used... or, what of the Geet reactor... capture of unburnt gas, reheated and re-introduced to the air intake and thus the combustion chamber.. taking a 20mpg vehicle and pushing it to nearly 100mph... (for which he was jaied, and only released aroud 2000) Just saying, zero point energy has been looked at since way back then so if the Navy has a modern day patent to release to everyone, just realize, it's not really anything new. Peace, Love, in Christ, hold the line, God Wins.
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Typo. It’s Russell-Jay:Gould.