More notable times when their government ended terms before elections
1998, 2000, 2008, 2011 (Berlusconi PM third term)
Conte was already threatening resignation back in 2019
And Conte actually RESIGNED in 2019 but was reinstated
As European I'm quite up to date with EU
Italian government is one of the most if not THE most unstable in Europe and corruption ridden, with literal mafia/mob doing many things behind the scenes. Not DS, just good ol mobsters
This time it's all about lacking majority in senate and need of rearrangement. It may end up with sooner elections than usual.
So sorry, but I wouldn't really make big deal out of this
I would discourage you from trying to prove/disprove everything and anything that comes down the pike. Take note of the nugget. Consider it. Why might it be significant? Why might it not? Flip it around and upside down. Do some research. And think some more. Then just stuff it in your back pocket and look for another nugget.
We won't know anything for sure until it's over. It's silly to argue over opinion.
Yeah, but don't you think sticking a simple tweet stating "Conte to resign" to the top of hot without giving any context, like:
reason for this most likely being senate without majority
and that he already once resigned 1.5 year ago
Kinda muddies the waters and gives false pretext for cooking lame, poison-laced hopium that's "IDZ HABBENIN WORLT GOFFERBENDZ R FOLLING!", and in the end lowering the quality, bigly?
A week ago there was a sticky with articles of supposed 8-9 happenings, supposedly 5 governments resigning and 300 politicians going to jail.
Nationals of said countries, me included, debunked all of it as nothingburgers and peddling falsely interpreted news, in the end misleading people.