So my mom calls a little while ago after having just got off the phone with my niece. Over the weekend, my nice kept posting crap on my mom's facebook wall--first, it was her gleefully bouncing about the shutdown of the Keystone pipeline, then she started quoting the Bible to diss my mom and basically call her a bad Christian for thinking the HHS secretary shouldn't be psychologically disturbed enough to think he's a girl. She didn't even come out and say that--she just put out a pic of the tranny that had "Biden's HHS secretary" at the bottom and said, "Really?" It set my virtue signalling idiot of a niece off. Once wasn't good enough, she did it again last night. Fast forward to today.
She calls my mom, apparently wanting to drive the point home about how great she and Biden are because they aren't "mean." My mom didn't let her get far before she asked her, "So you voted for Biden?" My niece went off like all libtards do, proudly declaring her support of Biden, open borders, socialism, the New Green Deal, and every other stupid fucking thing liberals love so much. My mom asked the fool if she realized she voted for a pedophile. Then, before the twit could argue, she asked how many videos she watched of him sniffing children. If she knew that he got a boatload of money from Ukraine and got his child-screwing, hooker-screwing, coke-sniffing son a boatload of money, too. My niece's response? "That didn't happen. I didn't hear it."
My mom kept going, reiterating that he's a pedophile, then asking her what she thinks will happen to gas prices with the pipeline project killed. My niece: "Derrrr...." My mom told her the prices would skyrocket, just like they did with Obama. My niece responded that she was in college then and it didn't affect her. My mom said, sure it didn't because your parents were footing the bill. Then my niece started about how horrible it is not to let illegals come in as they please (since she was losing the argument) and my mom asked how much she'll like it when she's gang raped by a bunch of 3rd worlders who think it's their right to rape whatever woman they want. She told her to go look into all the rapes in Europe due to the influx of people who aren't civlized enough to live with others then come back and talk to her.
My niece was so pissed off, she could hardly talk. She just said, "well at least they aren't mean! Trump is horrible.... blah blah blah." My mom told her that she supposed she'd rather have a president that's a not-mean communist who practices pedophilia than someone who tells it like it is, but that's what she'd expect from someone who can't think for herself and reason through things like she has a brain. Then she got off the phone with her and called me.
I told her I was proud of her. She expects my niece's parents to be calling to bitch her out. If I were them, I'd think twice about it. My mom is not in the mood for any more libtard bullshit.
Sounds like more of a roasting than a redpilling...
...But good work giving her the real info, I guess.
Redpill is about the aftermath of the roast. If she was truly redpilled, she would doubt, go back & investigate, start thinking for herself, see the truth.
Now it's a matter of how she handles it. Does she investigate or memory hole it all?
I suppose you'll find out soon enough, though!
If I had to bet, it won't work. My niece is a typical lefty, refusing to consider any information that clashes with what she believes. She could watch Joe molest a child on TV and would deny it happened. But she needed to hear the truth. And she needs to know that if she gets in people's faces and spouts her BS that they won't always just take it and not give her a dose of reality.