anyone using the moniker "Qanon" knows NOTHING of what they claim to, there is no such thing as "Qanon", there is Q, the information dissemination system to get info to the masses, and there are Anon's, those that choose to pull there heads out of the sand and do some research into the darkness pervading our world, so i will NEVER listen to someone that starts there argument with "Qanon" this or "Qanon" that, sorry, not sorry
-this was my response to a different post, but i figured it applied across the board
"Q never identified as Q clearance Patriot. "
That is literally how Q introduced themselves in the first line of their first post.
"Q called those who asked Q questions...”anons”. Words matter."
People who post on the chans have been referred to as "anons" for 20 years now.
Get off your high horse, noob.
Yes. They have been. There is no Qanon. Only Q. And anons. Get off yours.