I'm not sure about this but here is my guess. The false birth certificate angle was a losing battle. Everyone who was going to believe it was real was going to believe it was real and everyone who believes it was fake was going to continue believing it was fake. Obama side blackmailed or enticed someone to verify a forgery then had to kill them when something went wrong. Now if Trump wants to straighten this out what should he do? There were already hundreds of people who worked out it was false. MSM and pols ridiculed them and hit them with the racist kook angle as well as completely ignored it as conspiracy. Where is Trump going to find a non compromised health director willing to forgo any future position in government health sector and possibly private sector? There is a reason 90% of people on Trumps side are independently wealthy. Their income source cant be dried up as easily and they can afford the tight security required to stand up to the deep state. Thousands and perhaps millions before them learned the hard way. Six ways from Sunday.
I'm not sure about this but here is my guess. The false birth certificate angle was a losing battle. Everyone who was going to believe it was real was going to believe it was real and everyone who believes it was fake was going to continue believing it was fake. Obama side blackmailed or enticed someone to verify a forgery then had to kill them when something went wrong. Now if Trump wants to straighten this out what should he do? There were already hundreds of people who worked out it was false. MSM and pols ridiculed them and hit them with the racist kook angle as well as completely ignored it as conspiracy. Where is Trump going to find a non compromised health director willing to forgo any future position in government health sector and possibly private sector? There is a reason 90% of people on Trumps side are independently wealthy. Their income source cant be dried up as easily and they can afford the tight security required to stand up to the deep state. Thousands and perhaps millions before them learned the hard way. Six ways from Sunday.