The post below by NoSleepNoPeace shows that the clock in the tweet pic was edited. The compression level of the clock is different from the rest of the tweet pic.
Image search returned the original pic on the USSC site, with a link to download the hi-res original pic. I put that on also,
Since the clock was edited in the tweet pic, I wanted to see if anything else was added. The gifs here have the tweet pic and the original pic, scaled down to the size of the tweet. The ones where brightness and contrast were changed were scaled after doing that, to avoid artifacts from the colors being changed.
comparison of the tweet and the original pic --
comparison, brightness and contrast adjusted --
comparison, b and c adjusted for the mirror --
In all of those, the clock is different, but nothing else is. It's closer to light grey in the tweet pic, not pure red.
There's an artifact showing up on top of the cup, in my scaled-down pics above. Blame Gimp, I guess. This is cropped from the original, after adjusting the brightness and contrast to "normal", there's nothing actually there.
This is from the original pic, cropped down to just the mirror and the clock, with the brightness and contrast adjusted for the mirror, same settings as the comparison gif.
I'm not seeing anything different on the clock in the tweet gif, it's just a low-res version of this. To me, it doesn't look like the clock was changed, from the reflection details on it in this pic. But the color is different in the tweet, and nothing else is. So the message there is "red"?
Two things about the original pic stand out. It's 5552 x 3422, which is odd. Scaled down, the tweet is 680 x 419. Not 640 x 480. It's the same ratio as the original, so that doesn't indicate anything.
The other thing is the file name of the original -- 201209-F-SO188-0010.jpeg. Same names for the one on the USSC page and the hi-res download one, but they're in different directories. 20 12 09 is the date, probably. -- the "owl", D.C. -- Clinton Foundation, Obama, "Could you live with yourself helping to cover up such evil despicable acts if given a safe way out?"
The numbers backward aren't as relevant, -- "do you believe in coincidences?" -- "What political leaders worship Satan?"
Obviously there has to be deniability. The Space Force can't be handing out blatant messages for the media to run with. The 10 and 100 drops aren't talking about current events, just the general problem. But, "red" and 188?
The only thing I could find with 5552 and 3422 is a property listing in Greensboro, North Carolina. Address is 5552, 3422 square ft. Doesn't seem relevant?
But I'm not seeing that as a photo size in the search results. 5552 x 3968, 5552 x 4160, so was the original picture cropped vertically?
or just cray - supercomputer?