Why wouldn't you just expose these fuckers and their entire rotten families and use them as an example of what would happen to others.
It doesn't make any sense to do this type of shit in secret. Unless all of it is just speculation and Mccain died of whatever brain cancer he had.
Otherwise, without blatant evidence of something happening, the vast, vast majority of normies will always rename asleep and view anything outside of main stream media as "fringe conspiracy".
John Mccain would have been a perfect subject to use to expose the system. Nobody liked him or his crazy family.
Because McCain wouldn't have been such a badly broken man if he hadn't stood up for his country and been sent to die for the mainly Democrat, Uniparty death machine.
When McCain was young he stood up.
If it hadn't been for the Uniparty spending him like sweeping dirt he probably wouldn't have turned out the way he did.
The cuck couldn't even die for his country properly.
It's dead now Jim.
Do you remember that, Star Trek, when the doctor was ALL the time saying, ''He's DEAD JiM!!'' And about aliens he'd say ''It's DEAD Jim!''
It was a HUGE meme for a LONG time.
Actually he didn't. Some of the strongest opposition I personally knew during his presidential run was from navy personnel...particularly pilots. No detailed discussions, but he was despised.
He was thrown into the Democrat kill Americans machine. Yes he was. By the same man Johnson who helped whack Jack Kennedy. The same president who was specifically selecting soldiers to send to the 'nam, who were lower IQ.
He'd have been just another American unbroken by all that shit if it hadn't been for the Vietnam America destroying machine of Johnson.
It broke him. There's no need to rub the face of the nation in the monsters their government caused, plotting against THEM.